
Sarin at Three Months

Sarin is growing bigger and becoming more aware everyday. He smiles a lot. Aww!!! His cooing, smiling are everything to me and I like to picture each and every things about him. Though figuring out the baby behavior is  not easy task for any parent. He is about three months old and I can notice he is stretching and kicking his legs. This movement strengthens leg muscles  and which will help him later to roll over. I think this rolling will probably happen after few weeks. I can’t wait .But I should be very careful. After that I should never leave him unattended . These days he grasps objects in the hands. He can also support his head.He has started to open and shut his hands and move his hands to his mouths. His vision is also starting to improve because these days he follow  moving object  and observes light. If television is on then he tries to look at television.